The lovely photographs that won the 24th annual National Geographic Travelers Photo Contest. (via felicityguide)
New York kitchen codes. (via Morgue) When I was waitressing in Connecticut we used "86" which meant none left. So "86 Swordfish" meant no more swordfish. I don't think this term is specific to the club I was working at though.
I'm adding this sweet silhouette project to the list of crafts I may never get around to doing.
Would you have guessed that Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan is a fan of Rage Against The Machine? Me neither. RATM's Tom Morello responds. "I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotta "rage" in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment."
Russell Simmons is pretty great. He is also a vegan. Here he writes to Lady Gaga about her wearing of fur. I like how he doesn't try to defend PETA's methods.
I like these photos of Miranda Kerr taken around Wellington. Maranui? Hells Yeah! Newtown? That's my 'hood sister supermodel!
I wish I had a courtyard so I could have these recycled bottle cactus planters hanging in it.

Oh. My. Goodness. Republican Senate nominee Todd Akin claims rape victims can't get pregnant.
Damien Echols talks tattoos, books & life after death row. "I don’t want to be defined by the way I was victimized for the rest of my life." (via Dr Morse INC)
Luxirare matches jackets to cars. Love it.
Having just completed week to of the Couch to 5k running plan I appreciated the timing of this article on someone who has completed it.
It's true ~ I get so much more done when I write a to do list. Gala Darling gives good advice on productivity.
Confession time ~ I've been keeping this tumblr from you for a while now, but the time has come to share. Get thee to Sup' Big Guy. Wanna bone? right now & spend hours laughing at the hilarious captions.
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