Friday 23 November 2012

Wilder & Tamer


It's my birthday today! And so far it's been a good one. Apa has been cooking me special meals all week & bringing home some of my favourite treats (Scorched Almonds, Belgian biscuits, licorice). Kowhai slept through the night last night! This is unheard of! I got up early this morning, bundled Kowhai in her pram & went for a stroll through Newtown to pick up a couple of things at the supermarket. When we got home Apa was ready for us with this song...

...and we had a family dance party. He then gifted me the PJ Harvey album that I've been wanting for ages on vinyl, and cooked me a delicious breakfast. While Kowhai's been napping I took a long shower (fellow parents will know what a luxury this is). Soon I'll be dropping Kowhai off to play with her cousin so I can do some shopping, treat myself to lunch, have an appointment with a naturopath friend of mine, and meet another friend for afternoon tea. Then Kowhai's Aunty will be coming to babysit this evening so Apa & I can go out for dinner. Birthday's rule!


How can anything be Tamer when it's Birthday Week?

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