Thursday, 23 May 2013

Wilder Web

"Do you want permission to opt out of Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest or Vine? This is it."
Sarah-Rose's visit to the Fever Hospital is spooky and beautiful and awesome.

"I hate the concept of likeability—it gave us two terms of George Bush, whom a plurality of voters wanted to have a beer with, and Facebook. You’d unfriend a lot of people if you knew them as intimately and unsparingly as a good novel would. But not the ones you actually love."

"Fleetwood Mac: You’re reasonably well adjusted. Considering."
"She insists on doing standard kid stuff, even millions of people watch, judge, criticize, and assigning meaning to her every move—and it isn’t some tragic story. She doesn’t seem like a victim or a cautionary tale."

This is where I live. I love it! ~

The dance floor is beckoning like never before ~

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